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Thursday, 3 July 2008

Radio Time Scariest Monster Results!

Daleks stand aside! Radio Times users have recently crowned a new race of villains the scariest monsters in Doctor Who - the chilling Weeping Angels.

Over 2,600 trembling Earthlings took part in our survey to uncover the scariest Doctor Who monster and here are the results:

1. Weeping Angels - 42.3%
2. Daleks - and Davros - 25.8%
3. Cybermen - 6.8%
4. Other - 5.5%
5. Scarecrows - 5.21%
6. Sontarans - 3.75%
7. The Master - 2.96%
8. Slitheen - 2.61%
9. Ood - 2.31%
10. Clockwork Droids - 1.97%
11. Autons - 0.79%

In the survey users were also able to nominate more scary monsters, and it seems that lots of you were perturbed by the shadowy Vashta Nerada, the entity from Midnight and The Empty Child too.

But one thing's for certain: with so many Steven Moffat creations in this list, Doctor Who's only going to get scarier when he takes the reins from Russell T Davies!

And while he may not be the scariest monster, Davros is a prime candidate for the title of most grotesque. Try your hand at our fiendish Doctor Who competition to win the Davros prosthetic used on RT's cover shoot.

For more Who, check out our Doctor Who show guide for all things Gallifreyan!

Please feel free to comment if you wish to!

 - Thanks to Radio Times


Anonymous said...

thank you