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Tuesday 29 April 2008

The Poison Sky - Digital Spy

Here is what Digital Spy said about this week's episode, The Poison Sky!

This week in Doctor Who, fumes continue to clog the Earth, the TARDIS is boxnapped - and the Sontarans' true motive is revealed.

The Poison Sky

The first episode of any two-parter always ends with an extremely perilous cliffhanger. A situation so grave, there is absolutely no way our heroes can escape. Then the following week, the second episode begins and it's never really as bad as we thought and there's a really obvious get-out clause. Of course, why didn't we think of using a power cell from the TARDIS to disarm the Cybermen / opening the watch to distract the Family / ordering the mummy-starved human zombies to go to their rooms? It's no surprise, therefore, that Donna's poor old granddad Wilf does manage to survive being almost choked to death inside the family car.


Donna Nobis Perchum

After bidding goodbye to her family yet again - seriously, doesn't she decide to leave and then stay every week? - Donna is ushered into the TARDIS by the Doctor for safe-keeping until the storm blows over. Unfortunately, she's not got her feet up for long, as the Sontarans - aided by Martha's clone buddies - teleport the TARDIS to their ship above the Earth.


The clue's in the name

As the fumes from Atmos Systems engulf the planet, the nations of the world unite to launch a nuclear strike against the Sontaran ship. The Doctor knows that the nuclear missles will have no impact, but his pleas to stop the strike fall on deaf ears. Expect lots of shouting from Mr Tennant this episode, by the way - he's scary when he's impassioned! The Doctor also realises that the gas is being used by the Sontarans for a secondary purpose - but what exactly are they planning for the Earth?


Freema? Think again

When all is done, Martha Jones is ready to go home to her waiting fiancé. But in a surprise twist, she is not allowed to. Physically not allowed to. Three's a crowd, eh?


Who Said What?

Here are some select quotes from the episode, with the obligatory blanks left in to keep you wondering. Add your guesses at the end of the column!


"She's not like you. She's not a *******."

"My God, they're like trolls."

"I've designed a ****** program."

"The ******* of ****** is ******* nonetheless."

"Isolate them as they perish."

"Are you my *****?"

"We've lost our target practice."