Following many previous promotional picture for The Next Doctor, we

now have a very exciting new one! The brand new image shows a picture of a Cyberman, with a Doctor Who logo above it, but has not been released by the BBC. The picture is part of an advert, and has mist stormy clouds and snow in the background. Many new Cybermen will be featuring in the Christmas special, as well as the original. These include the scary Cybershades, a new version of the Cyber Leader, with brain showing and a part-black face, plus a Cyber King, which we have not seen any pictures of whatsoever. You can view the picture to the left. The Next Doctor is due to air on Christmas Day at 6pm, until the time of 7pm. A new special Confindential episode has been announced as well for that evening, following The Next Doctor, on BBC Three, and will be an hour, so for that, 7-8pm on BBC Three.
Great picture, can't wait for this episode!!! :)
Great Post! Awesome Promo, and Christmas Day I know its soon but hurry up and get here! lol Jamie, TimelordsVSDaleks
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