Yesterday Morning, a clip of the BBC Breakfast show has been released, the regular show talking about David Tennant on his suprise announcement that he was leaving Doctor Who. The video shows a short interview with Doctor Who reporter, Lizo, it has clips of the National Television Awards and past episodes, and also speculates who will be the next Doctor. You can see the whole thing in the video below, and the video below that shows the full interview Lizo had with David, previously released on the Doctor Who official website. This video was released on the BBC's Youtube page, and the pair talk about things like why he thought of leaving the show and how long back he had actually made his mind up, reassures you that everything will be fine and exciting finding out who the next Doctor will be and what he hopes to move onto in the future. What do you think?
Friday, 31 October 2008
Tennant Coverage; Breakfast & Full Interview
Labels: David Tennant, Interviews, Videos
The Temptation of Sarah Jane Smith Part 1 - Synopsis
The synopsis for the first part of The Temptation of Sarah Jane Smith, from the second series of The Sarah Jane Adventures, has been released today. It is the fifth story, episode ninth of this series, and follows on from the second episode of the last story, The Mark of the Berserker. The first part of it will first air on the CBBC channel on 17th November at 5:15pm, and then it will properly start on BBC One on 24th November at 4:35pm. You can view this part's synopsis below;
Labels: Synopses, The Sarah Jane Adventures
Happy Halloween!
Thursday, 30 October 2008
The Full Christmas Trailer!
After the David Tennant video interview, the full trailer for the Doctor Who Christmas Special, The Next Doctor, was shown, for the first time in Engaland. It had originally been shown in America at the Comic Con event earlier this year, but that was the only place it had been shown. Now, thanks to the BBC, the have released it, and you can see it in a video below. The trailer is not yet being shown on the television, as it is too early yet, but nearer Christmas it should be, with new and shorter trailers building up. To view a slightly better quality version of the video, visit the Doctor Who website here! What do you think?
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Tennant Coverage; The Speech
Labels: Catherine Tate, David Tennant, Speeches, Videos
Tennant Coverage; Leaving Interview
Labels: David Tenannt, Interviews, Videos
The Master's Fob Watch Limited Edition
Sci-Fi Collector have recently released information on a new, very special product. Released at the end of last year, was the Doctor's Fob Watch, made of plastic, with a few light and sound effects. But now, an even better version is due to be released, and it's not really a children's toy, this one. It is made of metal, with detailed engravings on the front case. It is a fully functional watch, and is said to be very much a collector's item. But there aren't that many of them, so you are going to have to be quick; it is a limited edition, with only 2500 made, with each watch with it's own unique number, which will make it rare and expensive in the future. Not only that, but each one will include with it a certificate, personally signed by the Master himself, featured in Utopia, Derek Jacobi! In the episode, he regenerated into John Simm, after having realized that he was not Professor Yana at all! At the moment, each one costs £69.99 each, post free, but is unlikely to go down. You can find out more and buy it here!
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Labels: Collector's Items, Merchandise, Watches
Doctor Who Adventures 88
In this week’s issue of Doctor Who Adventures you’ll find the second part of a competition to win a life-size Dalek Sec. If you missed the first part, don’t worry – as there will be a bonus token in the next issue!
What was the Bad Wolf? If you’ve been wondering that, then don’t miss our fascinating fact file about Rose and her mysterious messages to herself.
Also this week, there’s a free pull-back TARDIS and sticker sheet. Pull it back to instantly recreate a crash-landing scene with a whizzing TARDIS!
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Labels: Doctor Who Adventures, Magazines
Wednesday, 29 October 2008
NTA Triumps 2008!
Following on from a sad post, here is something to cheer you up! Despite the breaking news, awards have been won at the National Television Awards night today, held in the Royal Albert Hall in London. The Doctor Who Prom back in July, also took place at this venue. There were three nominations put up. Firstly for Doctor Who as the best drama and David Tennant and Catherine Tate for Outstanding Drama Performance. Doctor Who won the Best Drama, and stars who went up to collect the trophy were Catherine Tate (Donna Noble), Elizabeth Sladen (Sarah Jane Smith), Camille Coduri (Jackie Tyler), Noel Clarke (Mickey Smith), and, of course, the head writer of Doctor Who, Russell T. Davies. David Tennant was performing in Stratford for Hamlet, so could not turn up. Catherine Tate make a joke in her speech, saying that she thought they weren't going to win the award this year, because she was in the show! While they got up to the stage, Song for Freedom played in the background. This is the fourth time in a row that the show has won the award, and that's once every year! David Tennant won Outstanding Drama Performance, but could not collect his prize. He made a speech from the stage door of the Courtyard theatre, during a break in his performance. You should all know what he said, but if not, look below, in the last post. He also said the award should have gone to Catherine Tate, so made her go and collect the award! Congratulations to everyone!
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Labels: Awards, Catherine Tate, David Tenannt
The Doctor As We Know Will Leave Us
I'm not going to put a massive big sign saying Breaking News, but it definitely is for the show we love! Right, I'm going to try and keep calm in this post so here goes...
If you had been watching the National Television Awards this evening, you would have seen awards won by our Doctor Who nominees, but more about that in the next post. When it was announced that David Tennant had won his award, we learnt that he was not there, but in Stratford, home of the Royal Shakespeare Company, in the middle of one of his breaks, and David Tennant had come out to make a speech. He was delighted, naturally, but then the news came... He told us that he was doing the specials, but you could see where his sentence was heading! He said, that Doctor Who would be returning for the fifth series in 2010, but then he said that he won't be in it. Someone else will be taking the lead role, and David Tennant will be leaving the show. This may be very very upsetting for all fans, as David Tennant in many hearts, was the best Doctor and the most loved, and had elements of all past Doctors before him. Even after extremely large amounts of money the BBC had offered him to stay on for another series, he said that he would like to move on to other things, otherwise his life would just keep pulling him back into that same old Tardis again. This certainly is an end of an era, after the specials are finished, but we've still got him until Christmas 2009, but won't that be a dreary Christmas!!! Russell T. Davies will also be leaving, handing the flame over to Steven Moffat, previous writer of such stories like The Girl in the Firplace and Blink. Phil Collinson and Julie Gardner have left, and most likely, there will be a new companion. This will lead to a fresh start, a new beginning, and a look back to the fabulous events that have passed...
Thank You!
Labels: Breaking News, David Tenannt, Series 5
Torchwood Magazine 11 - Cover
The Torchwood Magazine's Facebook Site have released the cover of the eleventh issue of the magazine all about Torchwood. You can see that cover above and below, from the cover, some features of what's going to be inside. One thing that is quite major that we do know is comfirmed is that the new moster/villian in Series 3: Childen of Earth, will be the 456, previously rumoured after the Chrletenham Literature Festival event with Russell T. Davies. He hinted that that was the new monster, but now it's confirmed. So, other features;
- Earth Girl - Eve Myles on the set of Series 3
- New Series - Who are the 456?
- New Stories - 18 pages of new fiction
- Blake's Heaven - The Many Deaths of Gareth Thomas
- Win Books & CDs
- Plus - Free Poster, Episode Guide, From Out of the Vaults, Torchwood Censored
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Labels: Magazines, Torchwood Magazine
NTA Awards - Official Ceremony Today
Battles In Time 57 - Released
The fifty sixth issue of Battles in Time is released today across the United Kingdom and Ireland. The magazine, which comes free with a pack of new Devastator cards, is being sold for the price of £2.50 and you can see the cover for it to the left. Below you can see the list of main features from insides;
- Vashta Nerada
- Deck Doctor: Top Ten Devastators
- Card Clash: K-9 VS Mickey Smith
- Episode Guide: Midnight
- Comic Strip: Ghost from the Past
- Dalek Wars: Daleks VS Security Droids
The main feature of this issue is the four page spread about the the Sybilline Sisterhood, and the Pyrovile. Issue 57 will go on sale on 12th November 2008, so make sure you get this issue before then!
Labels: Battles In Time
Tuesday, 28 October 2008
Series 3 Invades the BBC Site
After a long while, the third series of Doctor Who has now been added to the BBC's official site. Way back close to the start of Series 4, the site said that it would after the latest series had finished. Everything is laid out the same as Series 4 is, and has all the same features as it did in the old design, but a lot lot tidier! Some new features there are include the complete Sally Sparrow story, featured inside the 2006 annual, then converted into Blink! So that's great to read. All videos, sounds, wallpapers, concept art, graphics and features have been put on, so there is a lot to see. The homepage now shows a great picture with monsters and backgrounds from the series, including the Doctor and Martha. You can visit the site here, or the third series guide here!
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Labels: Sites
MDWM Issue 19 Cover
The Mad Doctor Who Magazine website have revealed the cover of their eighteenth issue. Please note that the official website will be changing soon, turning into Gallifrey Productions. Mad Doctor Who Magazine is an online magazine, made by fans of the show, and it is incredible. Much work is poured into the magazine all the time, and hosts a fantastic group of writers. This new issue features an interview with writer Paul Cornell, about his previous Doctor Who stories, and the magazine celebrates it's first birthday! You can see the cover below. This issue will be online on Sunday 2nd November 2008.
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Labels: Magazines
Inside The Australian Box Set...
The ABC website has now released a picture of the cover and inside of the Australian box-set including and a bit of information. The UK's interior has not yet been released in a picture, but you can see this American one below. It all looks very similar to previous English sets, featuring the cover as a slip case and the main part inside with the DVDs and guide. The cover on one side has the Supreme Dalek, with a background that will be used on the English HMV version. On the other side is a rare Series 4 promaotional picture, with the Doctor, Donna and Captain Jack Harkness. Many might say that these are better covers than the UK version, but we are still yet to find out the 'special feature' rumoured about the cover. The short guide telling you everything you need to know about the discs, has a cover with the Doctor and Donna on, with a Dalek shadow. This is the HMV cover that will be used. There are six discs, and the pictures on those are; a Heavenly Host, an Ood, Sontaran General Staal, a Vashta Nerada (Suit Creature), Davros and the Supreme Dalek. The rating is PG and the box-set costs $99.95, but that's only in Australia. Please note that this version only works on region four DVD players, not those over here. It will be released on 3rd December this year. All special features should be included.
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Who's The Best Site?
The main Doctor Who site, run by the BBC itself has now been nominated for a Bafta as the best site! The site has been a strong companion to the show, all the way back to 2005, and the Classic Series also has a site. It was newly revamped not long before the fourth series started, for Series 4. It now has a wide range of features, all clearly marked so you know where to find them. Like the Sarah Jane nomination, which you can read about in the last post, it is a Children's Bafta, but should do well, as the site is very popular! The site has competition from the CBBC website, Lego, Cartoon Network and others. So get voting! Vote here, and there's not much point in telling you which one for!
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The Bafta Jane Adventures?
After previous Bafta successes from Doctor Who, it has now been announced that The Sarah Jane Adventures, the Doctor Who spin-off for younger viewers, has been nominated for one too! Although, it's a Children's Bafta, naturally, it is fantastic news for the show! The series started last Autumn and proved to be a big hit, as well as Torchwood, and has carried on until today, in the middle of the second series. The category the show has been nominated in is for Best Drama, with some other shows, like, for example, Chucklevision. it should do well, because it is the top rated show on the CBBC Channel, and that's the main children's channel, so let's keep our fingers crossed! To vote and see who the show is up against, please visit the main site here!
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Labels: Awards, The Sarah Jane Adventures
The American Vespiform
America has announced that they will be releasing the second wave of Series 4 figures in their country. They will be just like the ones sold over here, apart from one great feature with every figure. Each pack will contain part of the Vespiform, a giant wasp-shaped creature featured in the episode The Unicorn and the Wasp. Over here, this sort of thing happened with the K2 Robot figure, and had a part with each figure. A sort of way for the manufacturers to make money, as you'll want all parts, so you'll buy them all. There are twelve different parts to the Vespiform, everything from the left chest to the stand! Below, you can view all parts, including which figures it will come with;
- Vashta Nerada + transparent base
- River Song + right chest with legs
- Hath Peck + wing
- Sontaran General Staal + wing
- Sontaran Commander Skorr + upper abdomen with 2 legs
- Supreme Dalek + head
- Davros + upper chest
- Pyrovile Priestess + left chest
- Donna Noble + middle abdomen
- 25 pcs Adipose + stinger
- Natural Ood + transparent stand
- Sigma Ood + lower abdomen
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The Mark of the Berserker Part 1 - Trailer
Above is the trailer for the the first part of the new Sarah Jane Adventures story, The Mark of the Berserker! The trailer was shown last Monday on CBBC, after the second part of the last story, Secrets of the Stars. The first part of the story will be shown next Monday on CBBC at 5:15pm. It will be shown again the next week for non-digital viewers at 4:35pm.
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Labels: The Sarah Jane Adventures, Videos
Cardiff Filming Locations 2008
As well as the exhibition yesterday, I took a tour round various different filming locations used for Doctor Who and Torchwood around Cardiff. I had my trusty Torchwood Magazine Number Eight and a map I got from the exhibition. It actually took a long time, as we were walking all the way, so we didn't get to loads of places, but there were quite a few. Some places we went to, I did not take a picture of either, but there aren't many. I've had a look round for locations not too long ago, but didn't take any pictures or have a map, so now you can see my new ones. To see the pictures I took in grid view, visit here, or for a slideshow, click here! On grid view, click on the pictures to find out where it is and what it was used for. Please do not use them in any way without my permission. It may not look like there were many places, bt it certainly did feel like we had gone a long way! If you're going to see the exhibition, I would thoroughly recommend having a look at various places! They're great fun to go and see, like where the Tardis stood, or where a big explosion happened!
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Cardiff Exhibition 2008
- How Big? The exhibition is not actually much larger than before, but it definitely feels bigger, because there seems to be a lot more there. You go into the exhibition at an opening at the end of a very large banner, curved round the side. This is how it was done before. So, the outside is no bigger, but, because the space inside seems to be used a lot more efficiently, it does seem larger than it did before.
- Layout The whole exhibition is laid out very well, and everything is clearly labeled, and easy to see and find, making all the displays a joy to look at. You start the route to the left, where you see costumes worn by the latest Doctors and their companions. Then the whole exhibition mostly goes round in a circle, apart from when you come back on the right, there is a large area, with many different displays, which takes up more room than it did on the other side. Every area is used very well, with no spaces, by the looks of it, not filled with something, at least. There is one place where you can skip a bit out, or just more on a bit, which is very good if there is a large queue, and then you can come back later. The exhibition finishes at the shop, and there is no way you can leave without entering! Just a way of making money, I suppose.
- New Features and Props Not much in the exhibition now, has actually been used before, and mostly everything is new! So, even if you've been before, it will seem very new! Most of it is from the fourth series, with a few older things from Series Two and Three, but there isn't really anything from Series One. There is so much to see that you'll miss if you only go round once! Things I am talking about are props in glass cabinets. You may have a look at one or two, but then don't see others. This happened to me, when I was having a look at River Song's sonic screwdriver, and then I didn't see her diary underneath! So, if you're wanting to have a proper look round, have lunch or something and then come back, because it's worth it! Great new features include the new Supreme Dalek, with Dalek Sec and a Crucible Dalek. All these are made to move, with a press of a button, with light and speech effects. There's also General Staal, the Genetic Manipulation Device and a moving Cyberman! There is definitely enough to keep you occupied for a while, at least! Another thing is the computer screens located all round, with fantastic information you can learn. Most of these are for people new Doctor Who fans, with synopsises for Series One to Three and such, but it's great!
- Variety There is everything from the real Tardis to Adipose tablets, so there is a lot of variety! A great thing is this Tardis, because behind it is a green screen and a camera is at the front, so you can go and stand by the Tardis, when it is on lots of different planets, and have your picture taken! Although, it is a bit faulty, because some of the Tardis blends into this background. If you're thinking that most exhibits are going to be similar, think again, because everything has it's unique place in the exhibition.
- Clear? Something that is really great is that every feature is labeled very well, making everything easy to understand, so you know what you're looking at! Not only that, but it all looks great to look at! With pictures, and Doctor Who logos, fonts and textures everywhere, it's amazing! There is so much to read as well, about each exhibit and the characters and everything, so it's all brilliant! There are a couple of things though, without labels, which is a shame, as one thing from The Sarah Jane Adventures just looks like a rubbish dump!
- Security It is clearly marked that the owners do not want to you to touch the exhibits displayed, or stand on any platforms where things are. This is good, as they don't want anything to get damaged or broken. It's amazing in fact, that everything is open for you to touch. If you go into normal museums, everything is put behind glass, to stop you. This is the great thing about these exhibitions though, so you can get up close to your favourite friends and foes. One of the qualities the the exhibitions provide is this.
- Shop The shop used to be a whole lot bigger, and is now in fact quite small. It is on the right hand side as you walk in, and displayed across one wall and a corner. This is disappointing for such a good exhibition! One of the points that is is so small might be that there actually isn't enough space, so this might be why.
- Other At the counter you can buy a Doctor Who locations guide, for where they filmed various different scenes, so this is very useful! It doesn't have every location on, but there is quote a lot! I would suggest going to the Gower Peninsula though, as it would take ages to get there! And the staff are very friendly!
- Overall This is definitely one of the best exhibitions I've ever been to, compared to other Doctor Who ones. With its wide variety of new features, friendly atmosphere and clear displays, the whole thing proves to be outstanding!
Labels: Exhibitions, My Trips, Reviews
Monday, 27 October 2008
My Trip To Cardiff 2008
Hello Everyone! I'm back and tonight I will be posting pictures and other stuff about my trip to Cardiff today. There will hopefully be a nice review of the new exhibition as well. I also took a tour round the many filming locations of Doctor Who and Torchwood, so pictures of those will also be up! For this please check back tomorrow.
Labels: Exhibitions, Locations, My Trips
Secrets of the Stars - Your Thoughts
The fifth episode of Series 2 of The Sarah Jane Adventures was shown today on BBC One. This was the first part of Secrets of the Stars, and was shown at 4:35pm. If you were watching, you would seen a mysterious meteorite crash, a man who can read the mind of Sarah Jane and find out about the Doctor, and Clyde get hypnotized into doing what Trueman want him to! If you missed the episode, or would like to watch it again, if you haven't recorded it you can see both parts of it here on iPlayer, and click on the episode you want. But what did you think? Say what you thought of the episode in the comments or in the chat box, and vote on the poll. If you were lucky enough to have digital viewing (like me!), then you would have seen the first part of Secrets of the Stars, but I won't say anything about that just yet on here for those of you who don't want to be spoiled.
Labels: The Sarah Jane Adventures, Thoughts
Secrets Of The Stars
Just a reminder to tell you that the first and second parts of Secrets of the Stars, the fifth and sixth episodes of the second series of The Sarah Jane Adventures will be broadcasting this afternoon. The first part shall be shown on BBC One at 4:35pm on BBC One, but premiered on the CBBC channel last week. The second part of the story will follow the next week on the same channel, but you can view it a week earlier if you're a digital viewer on the CBBC channel, at 5:15pm today. After Broadcast, you will be able to watch both episodes and download them on BBC iPlayer. The trailers for both parts can be seen here and here. Next week, the second part of Secrets of the Stars shall be shown on BBC One, and the first part of new story, The Mark of the Berserker, shall premier on the CBBC channel. Will you be tuning in today?
Labels: The Sarah Jane Adventures
Sunday, 26 October 2008
Series 4 Soundtrack Trailer
What do you think of it?
Labels: CD, Soundtracks
Who Goes There?
Well, this is your chance to find out where who does go! Nick Griffiths, previous author of the book 'Dalek I Loved You', is now going to release a second of his who-themed exciting books. This time about the many different locations the BBC have used to film the show, since very early in the Classic Series. Griffiths will take us on the journey to explore all the different settings in his wonderfully inspiring book. He wishes to share all his knowledge on the topic with you, hoping it will be of some use to you and a good read.
On the book's official website, are photographs from the trip, a Google map of the locations and details of the nearest pub! For all you men out there! You can view the full cover of the book here, and it is out now at all good bookshops.
Little Dorrit Starts Tonight
Labels: Eve Myles, Freema Agyeman, Related, Russell Tovey
Be The Supreme Dalek!
Labels: Merchandise, Voice Changers
Saturday, 25 October 2008
Cardiff Exhibition to Open With A Special Guest...
The Doctor Who exhibition in Cardiff , which has now been closed since the thirteenth of this month, has been pushed back again to open on Thursday 30th October. The Exhibition was originally going to be open again on the nineteenth, then it was going to be open today, but now it's even further away. The exhibition has been having a revamp. The first since it opened back in 2005, and will host many new displays, including three new Daleks, with the red Supreme Dalek. For the Daleks, there will be a 'Dalek Zone', with the new Supreme Dalek joining the group of foes. But now it has been confirmed that a very special guest will be opening it again, and that person is none other than Head Writer and Executive Producer of Doctor Who, Russell T. Davies. This event will be held at the exhibition at 6pm on the 30th of this month, and shouldn't take too long. Anybody can go to it, and then go and see the new-look exhibition straight after the ceremony, but bear in mind that it will be a bit crowded and may be hard if you want to take photos or anything. Just if you've forgotten the exhibition is held in The Red Dragon Centre in Cardiff Bay. It is normally open every day from 10.30am to 7.30pm except on Christmas Day, Boxing Day and New Year's Day.
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Labels: Events, Exhibitions
Battlefield On DVD
But the lake holds a more sinister secret. A spaceship from the same alien dimension lurks under the lake - but does it really contain Arthur's corpse? And what is it that the Witch Queen, Morgaine, is really after?
- Watertank
- From Kingdom to Queen - Jean Marsh In Doctor Who
- Past And Future King - Writing 'Battlefield'
- Storm Over Avallion - Making 'Battlefield'
- Photo Gallery
- Studio Recording - 1st June 1989
- Trails and Continuity
Labels: Classic Series, DVD
Friday, 24 October 2008
An Exclusive Scene For... Oh You Probably Already Know!

Labels: Children In Need, Christmas
The Day of the Clown Part 2 - Ratings
The overnight ratings for the second part of The Sarah Jane Adventures story, The Day of the Clown, have now been released. The episode, broadcast on Monday at 4:35pm on BBC One, gained an audience of 0.7 million, with a 6.1% share of the audience. This rating has gone up from last week, that received 0.5 million, which is promising. The Appreciation Index for the episode has not been released yet, but will be soon. The final BARB rating will follow shortly, which should have a higher figure. The final figures are in though, for The Day of the Clown Part 1, which aired a week before an the same channel. They reached 0.51 million viewers, which went up just slightly from last week, but was the highest rated programme on the CBBC channel for the whole week! What do you think?
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Labels: Ratings, The Sarah Jane Adventures
The Mark Of The Berserker Part 2 - Synopsis
Labels: Synopses, The Sarah Jane Adventures
Thursday, 23 October 2008
The Darksmith Legacy - Press Launch Competition
It has now been confirmed that a press launch for the new Doctor Who book set, The Darksmith Legacy, will take place next month. It will be held at the Earl's Court exhibition in London on the 6th of November this year, and run for two hours at six o'clock. You are able to win tickets to this event, and all you have to do is 1) Write 50 words talking about why you would make a great Sci-Fi Editor for Spinebreakers and 2) Tell them: If you could meet the man himself – The Doctor – what one question would you ask him? So, what would you win? Well...
- The chance to become the first Sci-Fi Spinebreakers Editor
- A pair of exclusive tickets to the Darksmith Legacy Press Launch event for you and a friend
- Free entry to the Doctor Who Exhibition before it closes
- And a Doctor Who goody bag!
Labels: Events, The Darksmith Legacy
The Darksmith Legacy - First Two Covers


Labels: The Darksmith Legacy
Doctor Who Adventures 87
With Halloween just round the corner, you’ll find the perfect dress-up set in this week’s bumper Doctor Who Adventures!
The magazine comes with a fantastic Davros mask and set of creepy claws so you can pretend to be the creator of the Daleks!
Inside the mag, we show you how to make a Davros control panel. And you can also find out how to enter a competition to win a life-size Dalek Sec!
This issue is essential for all Dalek fans! Plus;
This bumper Halloween edition of Doctor Who Adventures, priced £2.99, is in shops now! Capture Davros before he escapes!
Please Comment! Thanks!
Labels: Doctor Who Adventures, Magazines
Wednesday, 22 October 2008
More Info and Pics on the Wave 2 Figures
The picture above was made by me
Labels: Figures
Secrets of the Stars Part 2 - Trailer
Above is the trailer for the the second part of the new Sarah Jane Adventures story, Secrets of the Stars! The trailer was shown last Monday on CBBC, after the first part of the story. The second part of the story will be shown next Monday on CBBC at 5:15pm. It will be shown again the next week for non-digital viewers at 4:35pm.
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Labels: The Sarah Jane Adventures
Earl's Court Goes Spooky...
Labels: Events, Exhibitions
The Newest Addition To Billie's Family
Labels: Billie Piper
Monday, 20 October 2008
The Day Of The Clown Part 2 - What Did You Think?
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Labels: The Sarah Jane Adventures, Thoughts
The Day of the Clown/Secrets of the Stars - Today
A reminder to tell you that the second part of The Day of the Clown, the fourth episode of the second series of The Sarah Jane Adventures will be airing today on BBC One. It will be broadcast at 4:35pm on BBC One and the next story, Secrets of the Stars will follow the next week on the same channel, but you can view it a week earlier if you're a digital viewer on the CBBC channel, at 5:15pm tomorrow. Will you be tuning in today?
Labels: The Sarah Jane Adventures
Sunday, 19 October 2008
8th Doctor In Second Audio Series Tonight
Who's Back For The Needy Children?
Labels: Children In Need